Saturday, February 16, 2008

CAMP missions trip to Brazil

Having known the Duarte family for 3 yrs. Anthony decided to go down and help them in their ministry.
Mr. and Mrs. Duarte
We arrived in Cuiaba Brazil on Feb 15th
Our luggage in front of our house.
The inside of our house with our luggage

Here in Brazil they only pump water out every other day for about an hour. The water is held into tanks that are gravity fed into the house. The one we had was a small tank and the first thing we did after unpacking was got a larger one and installed it. Here you can see the little tank above and the larger one on the ground getting ready to be installed. This is at the back of our house.

The little kids playing with our neighbors
Thank you so much for your prayers!! Right now we are mainly trying to make our house a home and catch up on lost sleep. Tonight Dad will be speaking and I believe some of us kids are singing for the Saturday evening service.

Sending church
Madison Baptist Church
2323 Portage Road
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 249-0941
Website: Madison Baptist

Our posts concerning Antonio

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