Friday, April 18, 2008

Cleaning for Youth Camp

Tuesday we went out to Estancia Maranata (Camp Maranatha) to help Peter Doolittle and some folks from his church clean Camp for the upcoming Youth Camp this weekend (April 18th-21st).

Dad used the tractor and cut the grass (and yes, it's even more dangerous than it looks!).

The Girls split up into two different teams - one cleaning the kitchen and preparing lunch for the crew and one cleaning all the bathrooms, dormers and other places used for the camp. Bekah and I joined the "dormer cleaners" while Esther and Mom helped in the kitchen that way Mom could be close to Anna.

Starting on a dormer...

The Boys Dorm

Scrubbin' floors brazilian style!

The boys worked on raking leaves, chopping trees down, hauling water for the cleaners and just about anything else! They were a big help!

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