Sunday, April 27, 2008

Preaching at Peter Doolittle's church

Sunday we headed over to Peter Doolittles Church where Anthony preached Sunday morning and evening.
Anthony Preaching
Courter kids singing...
and then that afternoon we went to Estancia Maranata (the Doolittles home is on the Camp) and had lunch and went swimming!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Re-Inauguration of the Church at Cristo Rei

Saturday was the re-inauguration of Christo Rei. The church was packed with people!
The Duartes and us sang Veremos Cristo (We shall see Jesus)

Then Mr. Doolittle preached It was SO hot in the building! There were a lot of people standing outside the front door and sitting outside the side door.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Teen Camp 2008

Teen Camp 2008 - Saturday, Sunday & Monday April 18th-21st
April 18th-21st was Teen camp at Estancia Maranata. Daniel, Bekah, Aaron and I went along with the Duartes and 3 kids from church. Saturday night we came back home and had a service at sister Ilza's house, had service Sunday and then headed back to camp Sunday night.

We had a fun time there and made many memories together :)

The Camp Director - Peter Doolittle
Bekah and Gilmara having morning devotions

Friday, April 18, 2008

Cleaning for Youth Camp

Tuesday we went out to Estancia Maranata (Camp Maranatha) to help Peter Doolittle and some folks from his church clean Camp for the upcoming Youth Camp this weekend (April 18th-21st).

Dad used the tractor and cut the grass (and yes, it's even more dangerous than it looks!).

The Girls split up into two different teams - one cleaning the kitchen and preparing lunch for the crew and one cleaning all the bathrooms, dormers and other places used for the camp. Bekah and I joined the "dormer cleaners" while Esther and Mom helped in the kitchen that way Mom could be close to Anna.

Starting on a dormer...

The Boys Dorm

Scrubbin' floors brazilian style!

The boys worked on raking leaves, chopping trees down, hauling water for the cleaners and just about anything else! They were a big help!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday Night Service

Singing together
Anthony preaching - Jedidiah interpreting